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 NEW:  Stereophile 2015 "Recommended Components"  says: 

"This diminutive JLTi Phono Preamp offers MM and MC compatibility and [with] loading via resistor fitted RCA plugs... the JLTi produced a warm sound with impressive low-level detail... among the best value currently available in MM/MC Phono Preamps."


AUD $1550

(Includes Shipping World Wide)

AUD $550 + Shipping Upgrade ALL Previous Models

The “Solid Diamond” Phono Stage

(Australian No-Frills Version)

Current Version Slighter Wider Profile

(now Free Shipping World-Wide)

(The fancy Swiss version - originally USD $2700.00 or AUD $3700.00)


Read American Review

The original JLTi Phono Stage was designed here in Australia and the earliest manufacturing runs were done here in Sydney. Eventually, manufacturing were transferred to Vacuum State Electronics in Switzerland. Alas, Allen Wright is no longer with us and it has been decided to make the Australian version available again. The basic Swiss JLTi Phono with wall wart power supply sold for USD $1795 and with the optional large Power Supply around USD $2700.

The new Australian version Mark 5B is a No-Frills version, saving costs on metalwork, has a new huge 'Inductive' Power Supply. It is now vastly superior to any previous versions at a much lower price AUD $1550.

Mark V Power Supply Upgrade

We have developed the Mark 5B External DC Power Supply for the No-Frills Phono Stage. It is expected to sell for AUD $500. Less cost that the Swiss made option, but we also wanted to make it better performance at that lower cost. This new supply will be based on "Solid-State Inductors" and less reliance on Capacitance - the improvement is super low ripple and dramatically lower noise measured in microVolts. Older units can be updated, but needs to be returned. More info, please email.


The JLTi Phono Stage is unlike any other Phono belying what it does in an unassuming way.

The name denotes that this is a Solid State device using something that is called Diamond Transistor Theory, rarely used on High-End Audio products. The most simple and linear audio voltage amplification device is a Vacuum Triode which consists of three electrodes only. They are the Grid (input), Cathode (grounding) and Anode (output). On the other hand, the Solid State Transistor is a current device but is nowhere near as linear as the Triode. It consists of Base (input), Emitter (grounding) and Collector (output). The idea behind a Diamond Transistor is actually a composite circuit that emulates the near perfect and linear Transistor as a current device with the same three electrodes in the circuit then becomes the equivalent of the Base, Emitter and Collector followed by a Unity Gain Buffer.

 Our Diamond Transistor eschews feedback completely and uses Passive EQ:

The JLTi Phono Stage is at once a very advanced concept and yet also elegant in its simplicity when executed properly. The Power Supply is pure Class A Constant Current “SuperReg” as developed by Vacuum State Electronics and now increasingly been copied in High-End Audio.

The JLTi Phono Stage is easy and straightforward in operation. It does not have any On/Off Switch and designed to be left permanently On. Only when away on holidays, it may be advisable to disconnect from the Mains Supply (same as with other electrical appliances).



Inputs for both Moving Coil and Moving Magnet cartridges

Load Sockets to Optimise Cartridge Performance

Two Gain Levels, 60dB MC (Moving Coil) and 45dB MM (Moving Magnet)


1 JLTi Phono Stage

1 Power Adaptor

1 Instruction Sheet

Optional: 2 Loading Plugs 100 Ohm

 The Optional Loading Plugs are for standard value 100 Ohm load of Moving Coil cartridges. The Earth Binding post is where the Ground from Turntable can be connected.

 Tips & Hints

The input defaults to standard 47K Load, but with 100 Ohm Loading Plugs is for setting up most Moving Coil Cartridges as recommended. But the purpose of the Load Sockets is to experiment with different value Load Resistors which can be soldered into RCA Plugs and then inserted. Changing this Load Value in turn changes the minute electro-mechanical damping of the cartridge and can be tuned by experimentation to obtain the best sound. Typically, some Moving Coil cartridges sound at their best with as low as 10 Ohm Load rather than the usually recommended 100 Ohm. Others at 33 Ohm etc.

Optimising Moving Magnet cartridges can go as low as 2K Ohm, and High Output Moving Coil even much lower. By using trial and error and careful listening, the potential best performance can be attained for your expensive investment, as good quality cartridges (and turntables) are not cheap. The rule is simple, the lower the Load Value, the higher the damping. Listen to the effect of increased damping and you will soon discover the sonic effect and how to arrive at the best result. Most cartridges are listened to under-damped and you can benefit from listening to optimised damping. Improve your sonic performance at no significant additional cost.

JLTi Products by  Custom Analogue Audio Sydney, Australia


My continued listening has been most pleasurable... I find the JLTi [Phono] resolves an amazing amount of detail. It also captures an extended bass response and a large hall ambience. My favorite test for these last two characteristics is found on side two of "The Mission", a soundtrack recording. A concert bass drum is played on a couple of the tracks. With the JLTi, one hears not only the deep note of this very large drum, but the attack and decay as the mallet strikes the drum skin, then the sense of space from the recording studio as each note fades away are fully revealed...most tracks are interesting and fun to listen to. Tim P, California

See JLTi Phono Comments

An entirely original design. Do not hesitate to compare with anything! Yes, it does have the usual desirable attributes, such as no negative feedback, all passive RIAA EQ, very low noise, etc. Yet the electronic wizardry is very unusual, unlike anything available now. It is also an extremely elegant solution to a myriad of problems faced by the designer. Indeed, the best solution that no one else thought about.

Ultra-Remarkable 100KHz Square Wave and 1MegaHertz Bandwidth

This Phono Stage is 'slew rate' induced distortion free. In fact, this is one reason why tubes sound so good, they too are slew rate insensitive. Gone is the harshness or in many cases it becomes a flat grayness that robs the music of its natural tonal colours. This new Phono Stage has extraordinary life and dynamics combined with great finesse and transparency, without any exaggerations - truthful and beautiful.

It may well be the fastest Phono Stage ever made with huge bandwidth. The after EQ response is flat from 1 Hertz to 300 KHertz plus. Not only able to accelerate but its ability to de-accelerate is without parallel. It's overload is also very high as it is capable of swinging 10V RMS - more than 20 dB headroom on a standard rated output of a Moving coil cartridge. Not only sounds great but its technical attributes are top notch.

Most countries are 220V-240V, Europe, UK, most of Asia - we will set to 230V. For US and Canada 115V operational use.

While it is optimised for Moving Coil cartridges (testing done with extremely low 0.22mV MC Cartridge), it will also perform its magic on majority of Moving Magnets. Low inductance and impedance cartridges will be at their best.

With MC the Signal to Noise Ratio (S/N) is superb, but with MM's higher impedances the noise rises, more than some than others, but in far majority of cases will be more than just adequate.

When we started developing the JLTi Phono prototype, we set our goal and ecpectations very high. With the new Mark 5B we set about to make a major improvement still. More current in the active stages, including the Diamond Transistor stage, plus a massive power supply that uses technology that we believe are not yet used by others, but not surprised if the follow (would not be the first time, like the use of Constant Current Class A Regulation - or SuperReg - which are now much more common.

it was decided, only IF it lived up to the performance of the Phono Stages of the Vacuum State/Custom Analogue SVP and FVP5 at a lesser price, only then would the external JLTi Phono Mark 5B become available. Happy to say, not only met but also exceeded all our expectations. This is what the JLTi brand is all about, it must compete well above the asking price.



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Copyright © 2003-17 Joe Rasmussen & JLTi
Last modified: Tuesday November 21, 2017

Just had a terrible thought. If "intelligent design" is unscientific, then who will design our audio equipment?