Static Testing of the Elsinore Mk3 Crossover
[Note: September 2024 - Elsinore Mk6 is current - some
things may be obsolete]
The easiest DIY measurement that can be made of a
speaker is an impedance measurement. Using basic tools like graph paper, a
signal generator (handhelds can now be bought cheaply), an amplifier and
reference resistor, it can be done. If you know how do do this, then the
following graph will indicate whether your wiring of the crossover is
correct and also should show up any incorrect values used. But it is not
a test for phase.
Look at the suggested by-wired Mk3 Crossover, it has
three outputs, the Bass, the MidBass and the Tweeter. Put a 10 Ohm resistor
across each output, no speakers or drivers.

It will be a good idea if the part of the crossover to
the Tweeter is kept separate, as shown above, which is a good idea anyway
for those who want to do by-wiring.

The Red trace is the
impedance of the Crossover Tweeter's input. The Blue
is the combined Bass and MidBass, the Black is when
Red and Blue are paralleled as seen by
the amplifier.
Note that this crossover has the recommended Conjugate
Filter (which is optional). If you decide not to use it, then the test will
not work as intended. So do yourself a favour and fit it.