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Welcome to my Galleries of Photos.
Lens Tests:
Sigma 12-24mm F4.5 Full-Frame
Quick Samples Below:

Hellebœk, in Denmark (Joern Utzon, Sydney Opera House
designer lived her in Hellebœk) - Canon Pro 1

Cockle Bay on Sydney
Harbour, Nikon D90, Tokina 11-16mm F2.8 PRO DX Lens

Sydney Skyline, Nikon D90, Tokina 11-16mm F2.8 PRO DX Lens

Our Garden: Nikon D90, Micro Nikkor 105mm F2.8 VR Lens

Our Garden: Nikon D90, Micro Nikkor 105mm F2.8 VR Lens
More Images, yet
to be Sorted
VR Comparison
These pages will contains images as well as items of interest. For
example, the VR test on my Nikkor 18-200 DX lens.