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The JLTi Phono Cartridge.
Low Output
AUD $1500.00 incl. Post World-Wide

Do not spend $10.000 on a Low Output MC Cartridge
"What an upgrade. Seven hours... very musical,
great balance and depth. I have more incisive cartridges, but I don't have a better cartridge than this.
Thank you, great value that bats well above its price range."
Marcus Dean, North Island, New Zealand
It starts out as a Grado
Moving Iron Cartridge and rebuilt by Allclear Audio to new
standards. This is a 'fixed' rather than 'moving' coil, but it is low
output and have similarities with MC, very few turns and hence also low
output. Recent research into loudspeakers shows how very small
deviations in coil inductance when motion occurs in a magnetic field,
leads to AM distortion. These distortions are
particularly troublesome to human hearing. A reduction in this kind of
distortion is not hard to hear and it just sounds more like real music.
There is a
and rich detail to the sound.
The critical cantilever
is now a five-piece hybrid construction. Where mass is a desired, we
have Aluminium, where the least mass is required, Boron is employed. For
highest quality and long life, a Micro-Ridge stylus is fitted. Only the
highest quality parts are used for purpose.
This is
an all-out assault high quality cartridge!
The Maple Body is
multi-layer coated and damped, no wood type colourations have been
Body: Coated and Damped Maple Block
Output: 0.8mV
Very Low Inductance: 6mH
Separation: 30dB
Very Low DC Resistance: 70 Ohm
Mass: 8 gram
Recommended Tracking: 1.8 gram
Recommended Load: 10K to 47K
Frequency Response: <10Hz to >30KHz
Compliance: 20um/nN
Cantilever: Five-piece Hybrid Aluminium/Boron
Stylus: Micro-Ridge

"Beyond Triode"
Breaking The Barrier
Now Mk2!
"I am listening to an album I have had for over thirty
years. It's like I haven't heard it before, there is sooo much more
detail, depth and nuances, entire instruments I had not known were in
the recording in a recording I knew intimately... Bass detail,
soundstage and imaging, all have all been improved. Thank you Joe.

"I cannot stop listening to
Isaac Kikkert, Marsden Park, NSW (Sept 2003)
Complete Amplifier $5400
The Lowest
Triode Anode Impedance Ever!
It may look
like a conventional tube amplifier, but it is not.
To go beyond the Triode
limitation has been a true challenge like no other. Up to now you could
achieve Triode performance and no more. This is no longer such a
limitation. This comes down to the Anode impedance being more than
halved and the results are extraordinary. It also changes the way that
the critical output transformer operates.
Arguably, for the first time in sixty years we have completely rethought
what a tube amplifier should do. Taking into account that modern
components are now available at reasonable cost should enable us to come up
with a completely new design, not one that builds on technology that
dates back to the 1950's - since then tube amplifier circuits have not
changed much, despite claimed advances.

Gold-Plated Front End
We now have
high voltage solid state devices that have similar characteristics to
Pentodes when used as signal processing. The input converts the audio signal to
current, this current then directly drives Power MosFets "Solid-State"
Pentodes. The module above is able to swing an enormous 1800V, more than
any suitable tube we could have used (and tried). Fully balanced and
differential. We had it computer modeled by the head of Power
Electronics division of SpaceX. Astonishingly linear and ultra-low
0.001% distortion achieved without feedback. And it sounds like that -
the small tubes you see in the above picture are props, they glow very
nicely though, but they are not in the circuit.
The output
tubes look like the are connected as Pentodes and accordingly gives out the full
power that normal Triodes cannot do. By using "Real-Time" local
feedback, feedback that works in real time has none of the normal
feedback drawbacks, we force the tube to behave like a Triode. The
drawback is that the gain is very low, but we design a front end module
above that has high gain and huge voltage swing.
bandwidth is a flat 100KHz, amazing for a tube amplifier and this is
achieved by using good but not crazy expensive output transformers. A most critical
component, the Coupling Capacitors to each tube, these are now within the
local loop and hence 'linearised' - and we now have the audible
performance of ultra-expensive capacitors that can cost hundreds of
dollars each.
The early
user feedback we are getting from users is that this amplifier is competing
at the very highest level, with amplifiers costing tens of thousands
dollars. We could mention competing names, but this is not appropriate
here (you can call us to find out).
At the
moment these amplifiers will be available from Sydney and Auckland, New
Zealand. There will be a waiting list, sorry that we cannot do them any
faster. We are looking to commercialise and have the complete amplifier
made in China and at the moment is considering our option. The retail
price will then be considerably more expensive.
Call Joe on
0412-203 (+61412-203-382) if you are in Sydney, come and hear it. In New
Zealand, call Brian Gurr (+649-530-8330).
J LTi Oppo 205

Our Best Yet!
Oppo UDP-205 JLTi 4.2+ACB "Signature 2" - Full Monty $3490
You will need to supply, Oppo has ended production, we will only be
upgrading three models, the 105/D, the 203 and the 205 models.
(in Australia - for overseas email
Oppo BDP-105/D Level 4.2
AUD $1990.00
Oppo BDP-105/D Level 4.2+ACB
AUD $3190.00
Oppo BDP-105/D Level 4.2+ACB "Signature"
Final Top Upgrade = AUD $3490.00
Oppo UDP-205 "Basic" Upgrade
AUD $250.00 (reduced on full upgrade)
Oppo UDP-205 Level 4.2
AUD $1990.00
Oppo UDP-205 Level 4.2+ACB
AUD $3190.00
Oppo UDP-205 Level 4.2+ACB "Signature 2"
Final Top Upgrade = AUD $3490.00
Oppo UDP-203 ACB/Transformer Stages
Full Upgrade AUD $1500.00
JLTi Oppo UDP-203 +ACB
hundred dollars more, the JLTi Oppo 203 and far superior sound to stock
$1500 applied to supplied player.
Features Terra Firma SAW clocking and Analog Clock
Buffering. Improved Power Supply to the wonderful 32bit AKM DAC. The
output is directly connected to the output of the AKM DAC via an
Audio Grade 1:1 Transformers. You are literally listening to the DAC's
outputs, no cheap electronics, no cheap 5532 opamps, no inferior power
supply, the transformer is a passive
output and needs nothing else. Post-DAC Filter adds the final touch.
Balanced Option:
Order 'Balanced' or 'Unbalanced' - Balanced at an extra
$100 and Special Balanced Cable can be bought for $150 at the same time.
That cable is a steal.
In 'Balanced' option is chosen, a floating RCA to XLR interconnect
for only $150 can be supplied. You can still use a normal RCA cable
interconnect to connect unbalanced.
The final output is 1.8V measured. This is compared to 2V
Philips/Sony standard, and 2.2V average. Most will not notice the
slightly low 1.5dB output.

Click on images to enlarge.

(Shown with Balanced/Floating RCA option)
Additional Information Below:
Oppo BDP-105/D Level 4.2+ACB "Signature"
AUD $3490.00

ACB - "Analog Clock Booster"
The acronym ACB stands for "Analog Clock Booster" and although
it sounds like a
novel idea, to use an
amplifier to control the strength, power and level of a clock signal,
the difference it can make is significant. It has
been proved pivotal in the development of our ultimate clocking technology.
clock inputs of both the Sabre DAC and the Oppo Master Clock benefits from
clocks with tightly controlled source impedance to precisely maintain
their level and timing. Clocks are non-switching devices which
require non-switching loads and the degree of isolation needed for
the best results can only be achieved by using sophisticated analog
amplifiers which have complete control over the insertion points of the
clock signals. A full implementation also needs a large and complex power
supply which together with the amplifiers makes for an extensive upgrade.
We have confirmation that the "glitch" that the ACB
suppresses is real and also has been documented. This has been confirmed
by a designer and engineer in Germany, who now works for the Intel
Corporation (we have since found another high level engineer who was
surprised just how "logical" this problem is). This documented problem
was known before digital audio and has basically flown 'under the radar'
and one can only suppose the much higher clock signals used in audio, it
was for that reason not even considered. But if you want the best clock
signal, the clock signal has to be buffered correctly, and for known
reasons and not because of some black science.
This is a new concept and a paper will be prepared to further
explain how the technology works; why the clock inputs are so extremely
sensitive to the source impedance of the clock. The conclusion seems
clear, that we are more sensitive to jitter than ever, that nothing in
nature approximates it and detracts from naturalness.
Below: Level 4.2+ACB

Level 4.2
Our Post-DAC Filter has been further improved by replacing the previous
First Order filters with a Second Order filters to enhance the performance
of the I/V Converters. This ensures a flat frequency response to 20KHz, an
even lower noise floor and improved linearity and distortion.
Sabre DAC in Grounded Current Mode
The ESS Sabre DAC has a mode that the manufacturer, ESS, may
not even
know about. The Sabre DAC can be forced into an unusual Current Mode -
where the offset "V" is exchanged for an offset "I" (the 1.65V offset gets
changed onto 2.1mA per phase) and this is done simply by connecting the
output physically to Ground. Fully DC coupled, non-feedback "Diamond
Transistor" amplifier follows, no capacitors in the signal path.
SAW and Double-Clocking
Two "SAW" Clocks are used - one on the Sabre DACs and also
one on the Main System Clock, custom made by Epsom Toyocom. SAW clocks are normally used for military
and microwave purposes, but since the Sabre DAC can be clocked at 100MHz,
a natural to use the SAW Clock as it is inherently a superior and
more stable way to do clocking. Others are now copying our lead.
The use of two clocks was initially received with some skepticism,
now other Oppo upgraders are are following suit. Two clocks are essential and
also reports of significant improvement to video
Passive Post-DAC Filter
So controversial that some have named this as snake oil and
others have called it the "Rasmussen Effect".
Yet this is a new kind of post-DAC Filter that corrects this deleterious
effect that largely makes Delta-Sigma DACs have a certain sonic
signature. From Level 4.2 onward, we have further improved the filter. It
is clear that this is correcting deleterious effects of "noise shaping" in
Delta-Sigma DACs (they are unnecessary with Ladder R2R type DACs) and that
D-S DACs have to curtail the frequency range to 20KHz and apply a filter
that suppresses above 50KHz by a minimum degree.
Says former skeptic Ken Newton (Pa, USA):
The circuit modification needed to
produce the effect is so seemingly trivial that one's first inclination is
to dismiss it out of hand as snake oil.
What Joe has discovered is that if you
add a dominant 1st order
[we now use 2nd order] output filter at your DAC chip output... then the
perceived sound goes from 'digital edginess' to 'analog smoothness'. The
effect is very obvious, and surprising. Such smoothness is not to be
mistaken for some kind of 'smoothed over' character, as the clarity across
the band increases.
The Rasmussen Effect
[Ken's naming]
has removed upper
midrange brashness and glare. The audible result of this removal is the
restoration of more the sort of natural treble balance produced by live
instruments... brass, cymbals, and bells now have quite distinctive tone
color and weight. In addition, and perhaps surprisingly... a much more
weighty sounding lower midrange and bass... The perceived beneficial
affect on the lower frequency balance is quite strong.
"Flywheel" Sabre DAC Power Supply
Achilles Heel of Delta-Sigma DACs is the fact that they are switching
engines, switching on and off a DC power supply. Any noise introduced from
that supply is critical and becomes immediately audible jitter. This
simple fact seems to have blind-sighted a lot of DAC designers. One
solution is to filter that power supply down to 1 Hertz (Ted Smith does in
the PS Audio DirectStream DAC). We have come up with a solution that is
not a filter as such, but one that acts as a filter, even below 1 Hertz.
We call this the "Flywheel" solution. It's simply the effect of storing a
massive amount of energy on the Sabre DAC's power supply, which is an
equivalent electronic mass effect in electrical sense, as it resists
change down to ultra-sonic frequencies, hence an electronic "Flywheel."
The improvement is instantly obvious, not exactly subtle.
Terra Firma Clocking Power - Special Edition
Our alternative to Atomic Clock method. What makes the
Atomic Clock so good is that they are impervious to power supply noise and
conventional clocking is not. This creates ultra-low frequency noise that
turns into a 'worst-kind' of jitter - the kind of jitter that makes
digital playback sound digital. We use a servo-controlled power supply
that is calculated to be tuned to a few millionths of a Hertz. Please read
this article for more detailed information.
Analog Clock Buffering
Our aPrecise control over the clock signal and hence jitter
reduction, this proves that even minor increase in jitter is audible in
suprising ways, so much that decreased jitter can result in better sound
that increasing the resolution of the music data been played. Once we
have a certain resolution, then more is indeed better, but more
important is tightening up and reducing jitter. Of course, both together
is desirable. Read more details about ACB here.
- International Agents - Please Contact:
Custom Analogue Audio - Sydney
Contact Joe, +612-9607-4650
Mobile/Cell: 0412-203382
Email joeras@customanalogue.com
New Zealand
Brian Gurr
- Auckland
Contact Brian: +649-530-8330
United States
Michael Lanham - Pennsylvania
Phone: +1 703-517-7257
Asia- Malaysia
Octave Electronics Enterprise - KL,
Contact TT Yap, +603-79555755
To Be Announced
I was sitting there stunned. It just sounded so
organic, so natural. Just like my Kuzma turntable. And this is all from CD
replay. CDs that sounded forward and thin, had body and presence. Sitting
there last night playing CD after CD and getting goose bumps.
Let's just say that since Friday 15 records have turned up and none have
been played. The Kuzma Stabi Reference is on holiday!
I just want to let you know that I've only played 2 records all week. 2
records. That's it. It's been CD constantly. What have you done to me?
Anthony Camplone, VIC
My wife is at odds to understand why she found me
at 3.30am sitting in the prime position with the stereo blaring totally
My intrigue was obviously greater than my stamina. Needless to say that
track after track stood me in disbelief of what I was hearing.
Disbelief that my system could actually sound that good and that my music
could reveal that much more life and detailed information.
Gordon Wilson, VIC

(NOTE: Superior sound to stock Oppo
BDP-105D at almost same price.)
Oppo 103 & 103D

Also Oppo 93

Oppo BluRay BDP-93/103/D
$1100 Upgrade
"When it arrived I had a quick listen not too impressed. Then after an
hour or so I just couldn't believe what I was hearing. And it was stuff I
had never heard before. Amazing juju coming from that box. Detail,
excitement, and an infinite sound stage. First impression is fantastic. I
can't wait for my new speakers to arrive."
Gary J. - Princeton NJ, USA
The Oppo 103 has same Digital Main Board as the '105 - the main
difference is the USB DAC of the 105 and the Variable Volume of the Sabre
The Oppo 103 is Best Value and Oppo 105/D is Best Performance.
The older Oppo 93 could be picked up second hand and upgraded to the same
sonic performance. This would be an astonishing sonic bargain.
option (Australia only for now) Phone or Text 0412-203382.

The “Solid Diamond” Phono Stage
(Australian No-Frills Version)

MARK 5 !!!
(Includes Shipping World Wide)
$500 to Upgrade ALL Previous Models


Leading Edge Digital Clocking
Terra Firma is here!
So what
Terra Firma?
Read the
Redefining Digital Playback

Terra Firma
"It would be hard for me to undervalue this...,
it has transformed what was already a very good player into a player that
transcends what I thought was possible out of digital...
There is an improvement in definition across the entire spectrum... what
is more important is how the machine loses the last
vestiges of what I can only describe as a "mechanical" presentation...
and replaces that with a sense of] ease. Music simply breathes;
expands and contracts in volume without strain, is achingly pure yet full
"I am now hearing more than ever but without any
sense of etching or over-emphasis of detail... this is a whole new ballgame, where
musicians become much more physical entities in my listening room.
The extra level of nuance and resolution is just great. I love it! This is
nothing short of a breakthrough as far as I am concerned."
Rob Ferguson, New Zealand
Many more reviews
It may look like the audio scene is full of smart people
but it is not really like that. In fact, only a fraction of them fulfill
[that] criteria... and makes the audio wheel spinning, or moves it
forward, if you like. If I had to name some, people like Jean Hiraga,
...as the Vacuum State guys do, Allen Wright and Joe Rasmussen.
Pedja Rogic, Audial,
Mono & Stereo

IMPORTANT: If you have this Yaqin Mk2 -
please contact me re
"Beyond Triode" upgrade

Arguably The World's Largest Online Speaker Project
- 100 Plus Pages
(if printed out)
"To my opinion the performance is now on
par or even better than the Avalon Eidolon."
Hans Hammerbauer, Switzerland
A World Class Speaker
that only needs 18 Watt per channel under most circumstances.

Cost: AUD $190 per Pair
- Includes
Air Delivery World-Wide (PayPal OK)
OF JANUARY 2015 AUD $150/Pair
The impression is that it is made of a super-light metal, about half
that of Aluminium, but is in fact made of ACETAL, a synthetic material
that can be used in place of metals and machined like metal. Truly a high
tech material. Designed for the Peerless HDS Tweeter, which is now
manufactured as Scan-Speak D2608/913000. Dramatically reduces distortion
by an order up to 4 and has the benefit (not often considered) of the
Tweeter tracking "Current" rather than "Voltage" and reduces Phase

Red: On Axis
Green: 15 degrees
Off Axis (smoothest response when slightly Off Axis)
Blue: 30 degrees Of
Note: Using a 1.8uF Coupling Capacitor
will EQ the Frequency Response flat.
Kit of Parts (all drivers & bits
except the box itself)
- Usually 2 Weeks Delivery

Factory Sanctioned
Upgrade to Orpheus Apollo "Signature" Loudspeaker

Using New "CCD" Crossovers - read
Mission Statement

It is all about value for money,
helping you getting high performance audio at a reasonable cost. In the
case of the latest Oppo Level 4.0 Upgrades, you have digital playback at
the highest level.
Custom Analogue Audio is situated in Sydney,
Australia. It is registered business in the state of NSW, solely owned by
Joe Rasmussen, and the name tells exactly what we aim to do. We specialise
in valve/tube equipment, often refurbishment, some repairs (but
not a repair business), specialised in some Solid State products
based on our own R&D. You will be surprised by what we can do.
Proprietary clock technology,
specifically the way the clock is powered, we are world
leaders and that is not an empty overstatement.
The biggest headache in digital
audio is the un-musicality of "Delta-Sigma" Digital to Audio Converters
and we have developed leading edge technology that finally fixes the worst
problems of "D-S" DACs - our new Post-DAC Filter and Electronic Flywheel
is being copied by others, but we were the originators.
Much of the technology is indeed
proprietary and developed with along with others, most particularly with
Vacuum State in Switzerland owned
by the late Allen Wright. Other collaborators are from the U.S., UK and Europe
Custom Analogue
Audio also does leading edge R&D work into improving
multi-way loudspeaker technology using innovative minimum and linear
phase crossover philosophy being shared with select speaker firms. The
vehicle to publicly describe this approach is the
Elsinore Loudspeaker, now the first "current" compatible loudspeaker,
and it is DIY and constrcution details available on this website.
Rebuilding Tube Amplifiers,
particularly Power and Integrated Amplifiers, is a high value service for
those with existing models. These can often be upgraded to an audio performance
that is sublime, and capable of dynamics that Solid State amplifiers
barely hint at. These amplifiers, converted to Virtual
sound far more powerful than their rated output indicate. If in
Sydney, or coming to Sydney, please give us a chance to demonstrate this.
A so-far exclusive service offered by
Custom Analogue Audio is the
L.E.M., the add-on module that will upgrade and super-charge any
output transformer used in any tube Power or Integrated Amplifier, without
even removing or changing the transformer itself. Combine this with our
special method of converting the output stage to to
Virtual Triode Operation,
and your old amp will be ready to be aimed at the moon.
We also rebuild or improve some
Preamplifiers and custom make new ones. This can be anything from a simple
and inexpensive upgrade to complex rebuilds and new FVP-5B Phono PreAmp,
but always delivering value. If you are an owner of an older
Vacuum State FVP Preamp, this can be upgraded to a preamp that
competes with commercially available products selling for $10,000 or a new
FVP5B can be built to order. It is simply a killer preamp, even if some
were made twenty years ago and then upgraded with time over twenty years.
Also, new Solid State preamps, even Microphone Preamps for Studio use,
based on our own exclusive R&D. No negative feedback, large bandwidth,
best non-tube sound imaginable and reasonable cost. The technology is
based on the amazing
JLTi Phono Stage that
is now commercially available and is arguably the best value Moving Coil
Phono Stage available under $6,000. If in the U.S., contact
Audio Revelation.
welcome visitors and the opportunity to demonstrate what we can do.
Please bring some familiar music, whether CDs, SACDs or Vinyl. The
atmosphere will be very different from that of a shop, there is no
obligation to buy anything, as it is mostly services that we make
available rather than specific products to sell. Just enjoy the
Linearity Enhancement Module

International Version to Dual 115V-230V AC
L.E.M. is a module that fits
inside your Tube Power Amplifier that enhances the performance of the
Output Transformer. How does it do that? It is
not well known that Output Transformers suffer from lower
resolution at low signal levels due to the Permeability slide factor as
publicly described by Menno
Vanderveen (member of the Audio Engineering Society), the Dutch
transformer designer (for
Plitron and more). The L.E.M. works by exciting the Output Transformer
at very high frequencies near the edge of its bandwidth, so there is a
constant signal going through the transformer preventing the Permeability
to slide below a certain point. Resolution is always kept high, audible
grain is prevented, blacker backgrounds due to better dynamic shading,
bass fundamental improved and more. Improves
any Tube Power Amplifier.
According to Menno Vanderveen, the flux density can go as low as 40
nanoTestla @ 4KHz - as weak as the Earth's magnetic field.

For the time being this is
offered in Australia alone, the projected price is $300 for a Stereo
amplifier and $360 for Mono Blocks, fully fitted.
The L.E.M. has also proved to be beneficial to some Solid State
Integrated and Power Amplifiers. Especially successful in improving the
novel "Gainclone" type of amplifier, such as the JLTi Integrated. Since
these have no output transformer, it is clear that something else is at
work. While not as easy to define, it would help keep the transconductance
of the solid state output devices higher at lower signal/current levels.
Also, the higher rise time of the L.E.M. signal will accelerate the
transition through the zero point, thus reducing crossover artefacts. The
sonic improvement is the actual proof - the rest is academic.

LEM fitted EL34 Tube Amplifier available, also KT88