(Mk-6 Current Model)

(Mk-2 Model)

Suitable for Centre-Channel Use

As can be seen, there are five pieces of
damping material. These are polyester fibre.
This has a low density. If you can source this
material, used as insulation bats, but if other types of insulations bats
are used, you may still use above as guide, but some experimentation may be
required. Do not use excessive amount nor material that is too dense.
Also use some suitable glue to hold into place.
The Wool/Dacron bats were cut into the following
2 x 650mm High, 160mm Wide and 25mm Thick.
Used as Front Damping
1 x 450mm High, 110mm Wide and 75mm Thick. Used
as centre Rear Damping
2 x 60mm High, 50mm Wide and 75mm Thick. Used
as corner Rear Damping
The above pieces can be fitted after the box assembly
is finished, through the 6.5 inch driver holes.
If denser material is used, then
reduce thickness to less than 75mm in the rear of the box.

recently been using this, but similar should be available in your area:
CSR PolyMax
(Polyester) Batts R3.5
Available from Swadlings Timber, Unwin's
Bridge Rd, Sydenham, Sydney
Blacktown Building Supplies, Sydney, Blue
Mountans and Central Coast 1300 554 775

Hamlet Mk-6 Parts List (using MFC

Price List for PCBs & Waveguides Etc:

The first made Hamlet Mk6 Crossover looked like this:
